
Training for Firefighting

Training times

Training is held at the Yass River Bushfire Brigade station at 18.30 on the first Tuesday of each month. Training is also incorporated into hazard reduction burns (HRB) or exercises with other brigades. A BBQ is usually held after each training session. During the winter months training is usually held once or twice during the season in conjunction with an exercise or HRB.

Prospective new members are most welcome to come to any training session. Perhaps check first that training is on by calling one of the numbers in the contact page.


Joining the RFS

(For new or transferring members; note the ID you need to bring with you to your initial meeting with the Captain)

The joining process is now completed on-line.
Click here for a guide and links to joining our Brigade
Click here to commence the process to join the NSW RFS
PPC Request Form

Course Calendars

2025 Southern Tablelands Training Calendar (Yass, Goulburn, Gunning)

Training Information
Training Information Booklet


Course Nomination Form

2025 STZ Training Nomination Form (Complete and forward to the Captain for approval)

RFS driving log book (To be used to record driving hours prior to the RFD/ORD course)



RFS ACTIV SOPs (Read this first)
RFS ACTIV on a Page
RFS-ACTIV Latest How To 2022
RFS ACTIV Training Pack
Setting your availability via the web on a PC
Setting availability on your phone
Responding to alerts via your phone
Allocating Crews to Trucks Using a Phone (Captains and Deputies only)
Allocating Crews to Trucks Using a PC (Captains and Deputies only)
Setting broadcast tags



Handouts from training sessions

Common hose and nozzle sizes
Foam Operation
Kestrel weather instructions
Fire spread notes
Brief PMR/Field Ops guide with pocket book cutout
PMR digital radio instructions
Which Radio Do I Use
Truck GPS guide
Map Reading
Basic hydration guide
Relay pumping
Priming and Draughting
Typical Truck Valve Layout
AED Instructions (Right click and download so you can review at your leisure)
AED Maintenance
Jump starting trucks

Motor Vehicle Accidents


PMR Radio Audio (for training, not live)

The two tracks are recordings in July 2017 of PMR traffic in the Southern Tablelands but predominately 6-7 other zones across NSW. Many zones are now interlinked and run from Sydney. Some traffic includes comms between Sydney and a zone FCC. The tracks are for members to gain familiarity with radio terminology. Right click to download the track.

RFS PMR Track 1: 12 minutes
RFS PMR Track 2: 24 minutes


Training for other roles in the brigade

If required, training can also be provided for other volunteer roles in the brigade.  Please contact the brigade Captain on 6100 6252 or


Other reference material

First Aid – Signs, Symptoms and Dealing with Exposure
First Aid- Bandaging
Personal Equipment Deployment Lists
Personal Protective Clothing (PPC) Request Form (Captain must sign the form)
Forest FDI (Fire Danger Index) calculator (MS-Excel)
Grassland FDI Calculator (MS Excel)
Storz fittings dimensions
Cat 1 RFS manual
Cat 2 RFS manual
Cat 7 RFS manual
RFS Pocket book (PDF Version)
RFS Pocket book app (Android version)
RFS Pocket book app (iOS version)
RFS Pocket book (web and offline)
Don’t get a shock (Powerline safety)
Hazard reporting